New Rochelle's ArtsFest and Open Artists Studios - September 20-22nd.
September 20 - September 22, 2012

We'll be joining in this years's New Rochelle's ArtsFest and Open Artists Studios from September 20-22nd.

We're one of 32 venues to be featuring art, music, art projects for kids and so much more!

We'll be sharing the work of Carol Bennett, Ray Donley, Allison Gregory, Marie Danielle Leblanc, Rosalind Schneider, Wayne Zebzda and Daryl Zang.

Be sure to stop by and see us at 2 Division Street, Room 203, New Rochelle, NY. We'll be there:.
  • Thursday, Sept. 20 from 6-9pm
  • Friday, Sept. 21 from 6-9pm
  • Saturday, Sept. 22 from 12:30-7:00pm

  • It's a huge Art celebration in Westchester and we're thrilled to be a part of it!

    For a map and complete listing, click here or visit them on Facebook.

    Here's a peak of our exhibit: