Healing Power of Art
A selection of artwork currently in Hospitals and Healthcare facilities
January 1 - May 25, 2020

Healing Power of Art

At Elisa Contemporary Art, we have always believed in the healing power of art to positively impact all our lives.  That is one reason why we have supported non--profits with every artwork purchase.

Over the years, we have had the honor and priviledge of working with a number of healthcare curators and art program directors to place art within Hospitals and Healthcare spaces across the US.  We currently have artwork placed in Montefiore Hospital, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and Westchester Medical Centers.

We are so grateful to all the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, EMTs and all the front line workers who are out there during this time. 

#Thankful #Grateful #healingpowerofart #MontefioreHospital #MontefioreArtsProgram #UniversityofIowaHospitals #ElisaContemporaryArt

You and I in Fields of Lavender
18 x 35.5 x 1 inches

Ink and junk mail on paper, 18 x 31, Framed to 22 x 35.5 x 1.5 It is filled with words including Heart, Sun, Possible, Live Life, Passion, Sharing

8 x 14 inches

Ink and junk mail on paper, 18 x 31, Framed to 22 x 35.5 x 1.5 It is filled with words including Heart, Sun, Possible, Live Life, Passion, Sharing

8 x 14 inches

Ink and junk mail on paper, 18 x 31, Framed to 22 x 35.5 x 1.5 It is filled with words including Heart, Sun, Possible, Live Life, Passion, Sharing

12 x 9 inches

Watercolor, Block Print, Graphite on paper, 12 x 9 framed to 16 x 13. This "Gap Series" by Kackar-Demirel, "In this watercolor and block print series on paper titled ‘Gaps’, I gather and combine tracings of various places and restructure them with color and planes. These depictions are inspired by geographic boundaries, the state of transits, vastness of landscapes, aerial views, and interior and exterior architectual elements such as ceiling views, archways, windows of museums, restaurants, galleries, coffee shops, concert halls and theaters."

12 x 9 inches

Watercolor, Block Print, Graphite on paper, 12 x 9 framed to 16 x 13. This "Gap Series" by Kackar-Demirel, "In this watercolor and block print series on paper titled ‘Gaps’, I gather and combine tracings of various places and restructure them with color and planes. These depictions are inspired by geographic boundaries, the state of transits, vastness of landscapes, aerial views, and interior and exterior architectual elements such as ceiling views, archways, windows of museums, restaurants, galleries, coffee shops, concert halls and theaters."

12 x 9 inches

Watercolor, Block Print, Graphite on paper, 12 x 9 framed to 16 x 13. This "Gap Series" by Kackar-Demirel, "In this watercolor and block print series on paper titled ‘Gaps’, I gather and combine tracings of various places and restructure them with color and planes. These depictions are inspired by geographic boundaries, the state of transits, vastness of landscapes, aerial views, and interior and exterior architectual elements such as ceiling views, archways, windows of museums, restaurants, galleries, coffee shops, concert halls and theaters."

Ambrosia Candala
20 x 20 inches
20 x 20 inches
Minty Juicy Candala
30 x 30 inches
Laurel Garcia Colvin, Female Artist, Mid-Career, Neuberger Museum, Acrylic, Fairytale, Enchantment, Kara Walker, Twilight
12 x 8 inches

This series by Laurel Garcia Colvin are currently available to the many pediatric centers at Montefiore. They all provide a wonderful calming fairytale-like feeling!

26 x 34 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of Paper Airplane artworks. These richly textured oil and acrylic paintings by Jason Wright take each of us to a happy place soaring through the air!

26 x 20 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of Paper Airplane artworks. These richly textured oil and acrylic paintings by Jason Wright take each of us to a happy place soaring through the air!

26 x 26 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of Paper Airplane artworks. These richly textured oil and acrylic paintings by Jason Wright take each of us to a happy place soaring through the air!

26 x 26 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of Paper Airplane artworks. These richly textured oil and acrylic paintings by Jason Wright take each of us to a happy place soaring through the air!

18 x 18 x 1.5 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of dimensional rolled paper artworks. These acrylic and rolled paper artworks on board bring us to a playful, natural and watery place!

Moss Octopus
18 x 18 x 1.5 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of dimensional rolled paper artworks. These acrylic and rolled paper artworks on board bring us to a playful, natural and watery place!

Commission - Slithering Snakeskin
18 x 18 x 1.5 inches

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics commissioned this series of dimensional rolled paper artworks. These acrylic and rolled paper artworks on board bring us to a playful, natural and watery place!

Montefiore Paula Brett Installation
Montefiore Paula Brett Installation
Paula Brett Candalas in the waiting rooms at Monefiore. They are filled with candy, toys, gems and things that give us joy and ease!
Joseph Dermody Dimensional white artworks
Joseph Dermody Dimensional white artworks
White Melamine on Canvas, Framed, by Joseph Dermody. Playful, light and delightful!
Joseph Dermody Dimensional Art at Montefiore
Joseph Dermody Dimensional Art at Montefiore
White Melamine on Canvas, Framed, by Joseph Dermody. Playful, light and delightful!
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
By The Fish Pond
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Within the Terrace
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Beyond the Sidewalk
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Laurel Garcia Colvin Enchanted Series
Near the Patio