Commissioning Artwork for your home or office
April 8 - December 31, 2015


Elisa Contemporary Art works with many of artists to create specially commissioned artworks for our clients. In 2014, Marie Danielle Leblanc created four paintings based on specific client needs including a range of sizes (and one diptych!) and color palettes. The commissions take inspirational elements from exisiting paintings to create something entirely new!


So far this year, we have worked with several artists to create one of a kind paintings and sculptures.

Commissioned artwork may be based on a favorite Candy type or flavor or objects as done by the Powells or Paula Brett; or a portrait as created in layered wood by Mitch McGee who has created several recent commissions. It may be an abstracted landscape with specific colors as created by Marie Danielle Leblanc or Yasemin Kackar Demirel.


We have also worked with artists on dimensional sculptures in metal, as well as paper, for example this recent commission by Amy Genser.

For a commission, the creative process takes between 6 to 12 weeks. All commissions are based on the following information:

  • Size, as well as single panel, diptych or triptych
  • Color Palette (or if there are specific paint colors or Pantone colors)
  • If there is a favorite or similar painting or sculpture (or even several)

When all the elements are confirmed, we create a written agreement detailing all the specific requirements. For commissions, there is a deposit upfront and final payment upon completion/delivery. Prior to completion, a photograph of the artwork is sent. At that point, final modifications can be made. The image is reviewed and discussed by all of us. Upon approval, any final creative elements are completed (on specific work, this may be a final gloss coat or varnish) and the piece is delivered or shipped to gallery.


Some people think a commission is a scary or intimidating process, but we're here every step of the way to make sure it's a wonderful and fulfilling journey.


If you have any questions or would like to learn more about a commissioned artwork, contact Lisa at or 212.729.4974. Here's a look at some of our recent commissions:

Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Marie Danielle Leblanc Commission and Inspiration
Amy Genser Commission and Inspiration
Amy Genser Commission and Inspiration
Amy Genser Commission and Inspiration
Amy Genser Commission and Inspiration
Mitch McGee Commission and Inspiration
Mitch McGee Commission and Inspiration
Mitch McGee Commission Sketch
Mitch McGee Commission Sketch
Abstracted Landscape Commission for Manhattan Client
Abstracted Landscape Commission for Manhattan Client