Michael Enn Sirvet

Many Winds , 2015

34 x 15 x 14 in
34 x 15 x 14 in
86 x 38 x 36 cm

Powder Coat Aluminum Powder Coat Aluminum. The sculpture Many Winds was created from a series of four mountain landscape drawings created in a pointillist style using 5052 grade, .190” thick sheet aluminum as the paper, and a drill press as the pen. Each piece was created individually and then rolled to different radii and welded concentrically. After welding the finished sculpture was powder-coated a shade of white. The Lake of the Many Winds is an alpine lake (elevation 11,500 feet) located in the Wind Basin region of Rocky Mountain Nation Park. It is surround by glacial snowpack the reaches down the surrounding mountains and into the lake. Tanima Peak, Mt. Alice, and Boulder-Grand Pass between them make up most of the surrounding slopes. I spent several days at and around Lake of the Many Winds in 2015. -- Michael Enn Sirvet (March 2018)